2015 Quantum® Controller Manual

Configuration and Setup Instructions

Access to Menu (Altivar Codes)

Access to Parameters

There are three types of parameters:

  • Display: values displayed by the Drive Controller
  • Adjustment: can be changed during operation or when the Controller is stopped
  • Configuration: can only be modified when the Controller is stopped. Can be displayed during operation.

Altivar 312 AC Drive Unit

The Controller should need no adjustments other than the manual speed adjustment which varies the speed of the metering system motor.


Steps for a New or Replacement Unit

If replacing a defective unit, it is necessary to perform several adjustments. After the new controller has been installed follow these steps:

  1. Check the wiring using the Wiring Schematic ATV31/312 AS Auxiliary Unload for SQ and MEYER® ME-S Models 3724-00052 to be sure all wires are on the correct terminals. See Main Menu.
  2. Check for proper rotation of Unload System and reverse if necessary, by reversing only TWO motor lead wires at the AC motor wiring box.

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