2015 Quantum® Controller Manual

Master CPU Board Power Supply

The Power Supply for the Master CPU and associated circuitry is a multiple-output regulated switching supply. Its outputs are -12VDC, +12VDC, and +5VDC. The - 12VDC is used to power the Cooling Fan while the +5VDC is used to power the Master CPU Board for processor control. Adjust for +5.05VDC to +5.15VDC. If the output is adjusted below this value, the QUANTUM® display may not boot. If it is adjusted above this value, damage to the Master CPU could result. The +,-12VDC outputs have no direct adjustment and will go up and down proportionally with the+5VDC adjustment. Adjustment of the output is controlled by the small potentiometer located on the edge of the circuit board (see layout below). The values of these outputs are not critical.





DO NOT touch the Heat Sink while power is on! Failure to follow this instruction will lead to electrical shock, severe injury or death.




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