2015 Quantum® Controller Manual

Total Dryer Management

Your QUANTUM® Controller provides accuracy in controlling moisture during the grain drying process. It works with any current BROCK® Commercial Tower Dryer, MEYER Energy Miser® Tower Dryer, and/or SUPERB Energy Miser® Low-Profile Dryer (including SQ Series Dryers).

In all modes of drying, the Controller includes a unique moving moisture target feature. Through Moisture Sensors at load and unload areas, the Controller anticipates the final moisture of the grain reaching the bin and manages that grain’s moisture content as it moves through the Dryer. The Controller does this by monitoring fluctuating moisture levels in incoming grain and temperature changes in exiting grain (resulting from different hybrids)


Quality Control

The QUANTUM ® Controller is able to regulate the discharge speed of the grain to match the capacity of the unloading system. A variable speed AC Drive adjusts the speed of the unloading system as needed. To prevent over-drying grain, the Controller can automatically reduce the plenum heat if the unloading rate limit is exceeded. A Modulating Motor operating a Butterfly Valve controls the volume of fuel going to the Dryer’s Burner, thus controlling the plenum temperature.

Other features include a Burner cycle timer, AMC, batch timer kit, CF auxiliary unload delay timer, minor alarm timer, cooldown timer, exit grain temperature limit, wet grain sampler, unload rate limit, and moisture sensor.

Simple menu-driven screens

  • Pop-up boxes to allow simple +, -, OK to change a setting
  • Start-up Checklist with check boxes to walk through a new start-up
  • Automatic starting and check of each item in start-up sequence
  • Help screens with simple instructions for every screen

Status Screen

  • Shows current conditions
  • Shows enabled status
  • Shows graph of moistures in and out with historical data feature

Dryer Log

  • Dryer log stores the last 100 significant occurrences with time and date
  • Self diagnostics give understandable information (not error codes) to the Dryer Log for causes of shutdown
  • Troubleshooting feature that gives possible shutdown causes with explanations, drawings, schematics, exploded views, photos and suggestions

Moisture Control

  • Advanced proprietary Flat Plate moisture sensor technology
  • Moisture Control through Plenum Temperature as well as Meter Speed for
    better grain quality
  • Quality versus Capacity selection for moisture control
  • Moisture Control will work with unload rate limits of take away equipment by automatically reducing the temperature in the event your chosen limit is exceeded to avoid over drying of the grain
  • Additional choices of Manual or Temperature Based moisture control


  • Non-battery backed Flash memory for data storage with circular file
  • Printer Option (can print any screen)
  • USB Port for program, updates, and future expansion
  • 520+ computer without hard drive (-40 to +85 degrees C rating)
  •  Heavy-duty optically Input / Output system (15 amp rating)
  • Communications port

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