2015 Quantum® Controller Manual

Wiring Checklist

After the Dryer has been initially installed, check the following items before starting the Dryer. If these items are not done, erratic operation of the Dryer will occur!

  1.  Insure that the Dryer is properly grounded with a 10' [304.8] Ground Rod, located and connected as close to the Dryer frame as possible. If it is not, the Moisture Sensor readings will float up and down.
  2. With an ohmmeter, verify continuity between NEU and GND on 3-position terminal block on the lower right-hand side of the I/O Board. (Make sure power is off!) If you don't have continuity, the flame relay will not energize!
  3. Verify all solid conductor ground wires inside the Dryer Control Panel are present (as per attached drawing) and that they are tight. If they are not, the Moisture Sensor readings will float up and down.
  4. Verify that all GROUND and NEU wires inside Main Disconnect box and/or power distribution box are present and tight. If they are not, the Moisture Sensor readings will float up and down.
  5.  If a soft start is used, a # 8 solid copper ground wire must be connected from the mounting back plate of the soft start to the mounting back plate of the QUANTUM® Control Panel.
  6. Insure that the Moisture Sensor ground wires are present and securely bonded from the sensor cover plate to the Dryer chassis ground.
  7. Verify that the power supply on the Dryer Control Panel IS SET TO 5.10-- 5.15VDC. If it is below this value, the Dryer may shut down unexpectedly and the message “slave reset” will be displayed on the QUANTUM® Monitor. If it is above this value, damage to the Slave Board may occur.
  8. Verify that the shield conductors of the wires running from the Slave Board to the AC Drive are properly grounded inside the Dryer Control Panel.  If they are not, the plenum temperature readings may swing up and down.

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