SQ08-SQ40 Mechanical Installation Manual

Pre-Startup Electrical Testing
Is Required!

Electricity can kill! Startup inspections MUST be done with the MAIN POWER LOCKED OUT and TAGGED OUT. Failure to follow these instructions will result in serious injury or death.

IMPORTANT! With MAIN POWER LOCKED OUT and TAGGED OUT, and with NO VOLTAGE detected, inspect electrical controls and wire connections for tightness. Make sure your fuel supply is adequate. Be sure the initial SAFETY Systems Checkout has been done.

Review and follow the “Electrical Connection/Disconnection Procedures for Dryer Testing” below, OSHA Lockout/Tagout regulation 1910.33(b)(2) through 1910.333(c)(2), and the “Manufacturer’s Recommended Minimum Lockout/Tagout Energy Control Procedures” (See main menu of this Manual).

Electrical Connection/Disconnection Procedures for Dryer Testing

These procedures MUST be followed by Installers of BROCK® Dryers and related equipment. Failure to follow these procedures could result in death or serious injury, and an unsafe situation.

Connecting Procedures:

1. BEFORE ANY TESTING, make certain all Service Disconnects are in the OFF position and LOCKOUTS/TAGOUTS are in place!!!!

2. Verify that the Disconnect to the Dryer being tested is in the OFF position.

3. Verify proper voltage to be used: 240V single-phase, 208V, 240V, 380V, 480V or 575V three-phase.

4. Verify that your voltage tester is operating properly: Test it on a known live voltage source to verify that the tester is working properly before testing the power source to the Dryer.

5. Check for voltage at the Dryer Disconnect. NO VOLTAGE should be present!

6. Before powering up, a 10' [3 048] area around the open panel to be “energized” will need to be blocked off with a non-conductive perimeter guard. Only properly protected and trained personnel can enter this area when the open panel is energized.

7. You may now TURN ON the Service Disconnect (wherever it is located for your facility, usually in a building away from the Dryer), and then turn on the Dryer Disconnect (the lever/handle on the inside door of the Dryer Disconnect) to per- form all required tests.

Disconnecting Procedures:

1. Turn OFF the Dryer Motor or Motors, and then turn off the Dryer Disconnect. Refer to the photos on pages 18 and 63.

2. Turn OFF, LOCKOUT and TAGOUT the Service Disconnect (wherever it is located for your facility).

3. a.  If the purpose of the disconnection is to POWER DOWN while not in use: After the power is locked/tagged OUT, check that all is clear. Then push the START switch to confirm that the unit will not start, as instructed in the Manufacturer’s Lockout/Tagout procedures (See Main menu).

b. If the purpose of the disconnection is to WORK on the electrical controls, a qualified electrician with proper PPE should perform these tests, after following LOCKOUT/TAGOUT (LOTO) Procedures (See Main Menu). The qualified electrician must: Verify that the voltage meter being used is working properly (i.e., with a fully charged battery source that will give an accurate reading). Test the voltage meter on a known voltage source, and then confirm after Locking/Tagging out the power source, so there is no voltage present.



Pre-Startup electrical testing is REQUIRED. The procedures outlined on this page provide minimum instructions to be followed by the Qualified Electrical personnel performing Startup on this Dryer. Any additional applicable laws, regulations, and codes that may apply to such procedures MUST be followed.

Inclusion of these procedures in this Manual does NOT in any way imply that these procedures can be used BY unqualified personnel or in substitution FOR Qualified Electrical Personnel.

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