SQ08-SQ40 Mechanical Installation Manual

Three (3) Assembly Steps Common to ALL Models

Step 1: Attach the Dry Grain Sampler sub-assembly (Item 6) to the Door, SA Piston Sampler (Item 5), attach all to the dryer discharge (Item 1) re-using existing hardware (Items 7 and 8).

Step 2: Attach the Discharge Transition sub-assembly (Item 1) to the Discharge and Dry Grain Sampler, re-using existing hardware (Items 7 and 8).

After attaching the Discharge Transition, drill 1/4'' holes in these two locations. Fasten with hardware (Items 7 and 8). See Detail.

Step 3: Attach the Piston Sampler sub-assembly (Item 4) to the Discharge Transition and Dry Grain Sampler, using hardware (Items 7 and 8).

It may be necessary to use the extra Moisture Sensor wire in the gang box to reach the new Moisture Sensor1 location

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