SQ08-SQ40 Mechanical Installation Manual






Emergency Hand Shutoff Valves

Emergency Hand Shutoff Valve / “Inlet Hand Valve”: located where the fuel line enters the Dryer on the lower bulkhead. See also Safety Manual main menu.

This quick-action, manual Shutoff Valve located near the Inlet connection on both LP and natural gas plumbing trains. This Valve is located upstream of the Strainer to facilitate Strainer cleaning without shutting off the tank and draining the line. The Inlet Valve(s) should be turned off any time the Dryer is not operating. The Hand Valve needs to be OFF and gas bled out of the Plumbing Train before removing the Strainer.

Additional Hand Valves are located on the Upper Plumbing Train on top of the Dryer.

Pilot Hand Valve: The quick-action, manual Shutoff Valve in the pilot plumbing train, used for service on the pilot plumbing assembly.

Burner Hand Valve: The quick-action, manual Shutoff Valve in the main Burner plumbing train, downstream of the Primary Regulator and other valves. It is used for test-firing and service work on the Burner assembly.

Hydrostatic Relief Valves: Pressure safety-relief valves are preset to 300 psi [2 068.4 kPa]. These protect piping from “ram,” “liquid hammer,” or surge effects that occur when valves suddenly close, instantly stopping an incompressible liquid flow. Liquid propane “flashes” (from a complete liquid to a partial vapor state) after leaving the tank and passing through a restriction (such as Strainer and Inlet Hand Valve), so it is somewhat compressible.


GO TO Other Hand Valves

Gas Shutoff Hand Valve and Fuel Connection Plate

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