SQ08-SQ40 Mechanical Installation Manual

System Analysis

Location of the Dryer from storage and driveways: a minimum of 4' [1.2 m] should be maintained between the Dryer and driveways or other structures. A minimum of 5' [1.52 m] should be maintained between the Dryer and nearest combustible structures.

The grain load can enter at the rear (standard) or front (Fan end). The Unload Auger may be standard (rear) or front (Fan end).

If two Dryers are installed side-by-side, a minimum of 3' [.9 m] clearance is required between them (U.S.) .

Handling: minimize handling distances and number of handling operations. Locate the Dryer close to an elevator leg for gravity unload, and close to an overhead hopper tank for gravity fill where practical.

Drainage and Supply: Locate the Dryer pad, dump pit, and storage bins in a well- drained area, or provide an adequate tile drainage system. Keep hoses and pipes away from areas where equipment may drive over them.

Power and gas suppliers: contact licensed contractors early to determine the best method and size of service for present and future requirements, and the need for reduced voltage starter.

Future expansion: keep open the potential for changing Dryer sizes or adding additional drying units as your grain volume increases, both space and power-wise. Place the Dryer to take full advantage of future changes in handling equipment.

Continuous flow Dryers may be a good option over in-bin drying when the yield exceeds 100,000 bu [3 524 m3] per year and where the climate is high-moisture or a short growing season (turnaround time must be short).

SQ Dryer

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