SQ08—SQ40 2015 Dryer — Owner/Operator Manual

Unique EVENFLO™ Unloading System

  • Replaces augers and metering rolls
  • Unloads grain columns evenly
  • Gentle on dried grain
  • Easy to clean out
  • Less horsepower means the same gearbox series can handle the entire line with two different reductions.
  • Discharge and drive end use most of the same components.
  • Carrier assembly uses the same components as well, only placed in different mounting holes to handle different length Dryers.
  • Takeup adjustments (located at both ends of the Conveyor) help the Operator easily adjust the chain if needed.

How does the EVENFLO™ System work?

  • The top portion of the chain conveyor passes by the column of dried grain, continuously removing grain from the column.
  • Grain is then carried to square holes, allowing the grain to fall through to the bottom trough.
  • Paddles on the conveyor move the dried grain to the Dryer Discharge.
  • Slow, straight-line movement of grain is ideal for sensor accuracy in monitoring exit moisture content
  • SQ Model Capacity Chart
  • Wet Bushels[meters3] per hour Click Link to view chart




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