SQ08—SQ40 2015 Dryer — Owner/Operator Manual

SAFETY System Checkout

Your SUPERB® Dryer has many SAFETY controls interlocked to stop the Dryer if a hazardous condition develops. The following controls stop all Dryer functions immediately and necessitate a manual restart of the Dryer. Your Dryer installation (including Plumbing Train Connections see main menu) should not be considered complete until a SAFETY Systems checkout is run to see that all SAFETY systems are in working order. This should be done before initial startup. It should also be done at the beginning of each season and any components replaced if necessary.

Red Power Light (optional)

Turn the Dryer Disconnect Circuit Breaker ON. Observe the red light on the front of the Control Cabinet.

Fuel Line Shutoff Valves (optional)

  1. Individually test for complete closure of each shutoff Valve between the Dryer and LP gas tank or natural gas meter.
  2. Start the Fan and Burner.
  3. Close each Valve separately and observe if the fuel supply is definitely cut off to the Dryer by each Valve.

Vent Pipe Outlets

  1. Inspect all Hydrostatic Relief Valves (LP gas Dryers).
  2. Make sure outlets are unobstructed, covered with the rubber rain cap, and pointed in a direction away from the Dryer (or any other Dryer, Fan Motor, work platform, office, etc.).



Upper Plenum RTD and Hi-Limit Sensor

The single line on the opposite side is the (Upper Plenum) Static Pressure Tube.

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