SQ08-SQ40 General Safety

Fan Motion Hazards

The Fan continues to ROTATE after power is disconnected. Do NOT enter or service until ALL motion of the Fan stops. Make sure the power is LOCKED OUT and TAGGED OUT while servicing. Failure to follow this WARNING could result in death or serious personal injury. Do not stand in front of the Fan while it is in operation. SUCTION may draw clothing into the Fan. Failure to follow this instruction could result in death or serious personal injury.


Note: Some Decals refer to the Fan as the Blower.

DANGER of Heat

There are high operating temperatures inside the Dryer. Parts become hot

during operation. Keep all Doors closed except for service. Failure to heed these warnings could result in death or serious injury.


Do not open the Rear Plenum Access Door (Figure 26) unless all power to the Dryer has been disconnected, LOCKED OUT and TAGGED OUT. This is a Door into the heat plenum through the Dryer bulkhead on the rear end opposite the Fan(s). To avoid dangers of excessive heat, allow twenty (20) minutes for the Dryer to cool before entering. Keep the Fan ON to aid in cooling the Dryer. A Door SAFETY Switch is standard on all Dryers. If the Door is opened during operation, the Dryer will shut down.

WARNING Decals: Rear Plenum Door





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