SQ08-SQ40 General Safety

Train Dryer Operators properly

The Manufacturer requires that all persons who will be operating or working around this equipment be trained in proper operational and SAFETY procedures. Only Operators completely familiar with both the SUPERB® Dryer and this Manual and its SAFETY/operational practices should be permitted to operate the Dryer. This Manual is supplementary to any law or code covering fire or health regulations. It is essential that Owners and Operators use, instruct, and insist on responsible and safe operation according to published grain handling standards applicable in your local area. It is the responsibility of the Contractors, Installers, Operators, Owners and Supervisors to:

  • Read and follow this Manual, SAFETY instructions, and SAFETY Decals and procedures herein;
  • Make the above known to all who work with the equipment or who may be in the working area;
  • Read and follow the SAFETY procedures and Decals in your Manuals to supple-mental equipment and accessories;
  • Know and observe proper grain industry operating precautions, practices and requirements to comply with all federal, state and local laws and ordinances and applicable SAFETY codes.

This Grain Dryer is operated by AUTOMATIC CONTROLS that drive high-speed fans and rotating parts, high voltages, burners, moving augers, and other hazards. The Dryer may start without warning. Work around Dryers with extreme CAUTION! DO NOT OPERATE the Dryer with any Guards missing or removed. Failure to follow these instructions could result in death or serious injury. Failure to follow proper operational procedures may cause damage to equipment or property and/or death or personal injury.

Even the SAFEST Dryer poses
multiple hazards

BROCK® Dryers are designed with your SAFETY in mind. However, accidents can happen with improper installation or use of any system using a flammable fuel, high-speed moving fan blades and high voltage. Grain Dryers by their function pose several types of significant, operational hazards that cannot be completely eliminated or safeguarded. BROCK strives to take every reasonable precaution to design equipment that is safe without compromising or restricting necessary movement of Dryer components. Installers, Owners and Operators are expected to take necessary precautions to reduce the risks associated with Dryers. Injuries or death can be caused by electrocution, gas explosions, auger flighting, fan blades, entanglement in a belt drive or power unit, or other hazards.

This Dryer is designed for grains and free flowing materials. It is not designed to move hazardous material. Hazardous materials are those that are explosive, flammable, toxic or otherwise dangerous. Do NOT use it for anything except its intended use (drying free-flowing grains).

“Manufacturer’s Intended Use” GO TO


Using this Dryer for any other purpose or in a way not within the operating recommendations specified in this Manual will void the Warranty and could cause injury or death.

This Dryer is designed and built with SAFETY features. Under no circumstances shall the safety characteristics of this Dryer be altered.


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