SQ08-SQ40 General Safety

Always Wear PPE (Personal Protective Equipment): Avoid noise/eye dangers, and other personal hazards.

Failure to do these could result in death or serious injury.

Require hearing protection around Grain Dryers (approximately 80% of all farmers have some hearing loss). Have an emergency hand-communication system in place in areas where Dryer, tractor or equipment noise is excessive.

Because of the DANGER of flying debris to eyes, protective eyewear/safety glasses must be worn during assembly, installation, maintenance or servicing of this Dryer.

It is important that all operators use good common sense and always be aware of and understand these additional SAFETY rules, which should be enforced:

  • Never wear loose-fitting clothing or flowing scarves around moving parts. Keep long hair secured. Wear suitable footwear for grain handling areas. Keep shoe­strings secured.
  • Restrict or prohibit jewelry (some types of rings, earrings, and body jewelry) that poses an entanglement hazard.
  • Do not stand in the suction area of the Dryer Fan while it is operating.
  • Work alert after adequate rest. Never operate equipment if you are tired or dis­tracted. (National occupational accident reports indicate that operators are typi­cally getting tired and anxious to get work completed just before lunch, and between 3 pm and 5 pm when their energy reserves are depleted).

Any worker who is tired and/or under pressure increases his/her chances of having an accident. Give extra breaks and/or varied jobs to all workers.

  • Never operate the Dryer if intoxicated or under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • Never work alone after all other personnel have left the site. You may find yourself injured and unable to reach help or a way out.

There are inhalation dangers in grain

All feed and grain contains a certain amount of dust. However, spoiled material can release excessive dust and mold spores into the air during handling (especially during clean-out), which can cause serious long-term respiratory problems.

In order to avoid this hazard, follow these precautions:

  • Never work in obviously dusty-moldy grain without a respirator. Always wear an adequate dust mask or respirator, and ventilate the work area. Use a respira­tor capable of filtering fine dust. Be aware that your tolerance to a given mate­rial may be limited, and that you should not deliberately and knowingly expose yourself on the idea that it will not hurt you. Later in life, you may have used up all your tolerance.
  • Never work alone when inside a Dryer or during clean-out. No matter what the breathing protection, always station a second person on safety standby outside.

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